Principal's Message

Rev. Fr. Walter D'silva

St. Joseph’s College, Prayagraj has carved out a niche for itself in the hearts of many in the city of Prayagraj and I am privileged to be part of this magnificent institution. At this juncture I gratefully recognize the yeomen service rendered by my visionary predecessors, dedicated teachers, ever supporting parents and the ancillary staff who have worked selflessly and tirelessly to bring glory to God and honor to our School. May God bless. I also fondly remember the students who have passed out from the portals of this institution and wish them successful career with God’s manifold blessings.

We are living in a “fast forward” age. Everything is changing at a speed which could not have been imagined in the past few years. Our homes, our work places and society at large is constantly changing. Increasingly, children are now exposed to the omnipresence of mass media. The bombarding by an ever growing volume of information through newspapers, magazines, TV channels, Interactive TV, Internet etc. has established the fact that access to knowledge is free and quick. In spite of the rapid progress in the information received by the students and society at large there is a gaping void is felt as regards to holistic and integral development of the personality of an individual. The schools and the teachers in particular have a greater role to play in the fast changing world of today to instill human values in the children entrusted to their loving care.

I personally am a firm believer of an educational system which gives not the mere information to students but works towards their formation whereby stress is laid not just on academic excellence but on “character formation with academic excellence”. No educationist, policy maker, historian, teacher or parent would argue for a value less system of education. St. Joseph’s college has an efficient team of facilitators in the fraternity who will carry the flame of education far and wide by imparting value based education among its scholars.

With the support of you dear parents/guardians we can together achieve the dream that you have for your wards. I can foresee that every child who has entered the Temple of St. Joseph’s College with its motto “Semper Sursum”, will certainly reach the heights of glory.